Tuesday, January 26, 2010


has a funny way of completely messing up our heads.

im quite sure how it works.

how is it that the person we love more then life itself consumes our every thought day in and day out even after they are gone?

some how this continues to happen even though we have been hurt in the past. you would think we as humans would learn sadly enough though we fail to learn. thinking we are invincible is mistakenly wrong. we can be broken we can be hurt our hearts are very fragile yet we seem to still take risks. however life is way too short to not take risks.

i look back on the time i got my heart broken the worst yet ill never give up on him. someone please explain this to me. is it our conscience or our subconscience that allows us to develop this thought that we cant live life without "our one true love"? i think its a combonation of both.

we tell ourselves that we dont know how to live without them. but at the same time getting into a new routine after so many months of being in a certian routine that you began to know and love, i had the hardest time and still to this day i still reach for my phone in the morning to call him after seven months..in my opinion its very sad how someone an organism something so simple yet so complex can have such an impact upon someone elses life.

i dont think in my lifetime that people will ever learn to deal or accecpt the fact that its over. have i accepected it no i havent and ill be the first person who will admit that.

dont ever give up on something you cant go a day without thinking about. never give up hope that someday you will be truely happy. i havent given up yet nor will i unitl i know for a fact that level of happiness cannot be reached..i will defiy the odds and complete the impossible. sounds so realistic or unrealistic thinking about how you can reach what seems impossbile. but nothing is impossible!

we all have a purpose in life the goal is to find out what yours is and fullfill that purpose to the best ability and with what knowledge you have to its fullest.

Monday, January 25, 2010


over the last little while i have really become intriqued by musicians.
why do they write the songs they do?? why are they doing what they are doing??
has always been two lingering questions im faced with everytime i listen to music.

how is it that lady gaga can catch us with her catchy lyrics that see so strange and we have no clue the meaning or even finding a meaning seems abstract?

or when you listen to your favorite band what about them gets your heart racing or your hips moving or your arms swinging?

i believe its the mystery of what they are thinking at the moment they wrote what your currently listening to, now im not saying that everyone feels this way but i can surely tell you that is how i feel.

a day to remember is my favorite band. now when i listen to heartless i want to get up and hit everyperson who has ever hurt someone i love. but on the other hand when i listen to another song about the weekend i think of making my dreams come true not worrying about what is going or not going to disappoint my family. its my life and ill make the mistakes i make and learn from everyone of them!

there has been several times that music was the only way i knew how to express myself.
now i can rightfully say im sure that most people are this way. music heals it helps clear your head of all thought, it gives me a new perspective on life and how to handle the things life throws at me.

music is the one abstract thing that will never cease to exist. computers telephones and the wonderful thing we know and love a cd may disapper but music the one thing that has been going on for millions of years will do just that continue to live on for millions of years!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


so the reason for the title of todays post is i find inspiration in every day things.

not just for writing this (now) but for being content in life.

when i see my baby brother for the first time everyday im the happiest i seem to have ever been.

he is the most precious boy ever!

seeing the sky or the grass or the sun lets us all know that we need to be thankful to be alive each and everyday.

dont take life for granted..no one makes it out alive.

im the girl who looks for the "simple" things in life i find beauty in the smile on a face or the lyrics to my favorite song. or hearing my favorite band, a day to remember, each day.

see my friends family and the ones who matter most is all we truely need to be completely happy in life along with some secondary pleasures.

how is it that so many people take life for granted not knowing when the time you have or

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

first one..nervous?!?

hmm well i know a lot of people who have one of these so i decided to join right along.
im going to come here almost everyday to blog about life and whats going on in my head.
each day there will be a new post and ill also try to have a new quote haha!
senior year is stressful!!!!! there are times i have no clue how to handle it which is scary ive never been so afraid of school since the first day of kindergarten first sixth and freshman year lol.
now i sound like a loser
however we all have these nervous jitters when things are not going well!