Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The word is a very heavey word to most, when they hear it, it takes them to some place where either they have been an addict or seen addiction first hand.

I myself have had my own addiction, I over came it to the point I am now, its no easy task.
I've witnessed it first hand, i've seen what drugs can do to a person, how it can so quickly and easily change a person, for the worst.

My choice of addiction or what I chose to abuse was Prescription drugs, something that is easily accesciable to everyone, something that is easily avaiable. 2.5 million people abuse prescripiton drugs just in the U.S. Not only have I used and abused these drugs I have also seen in happen in front of my face, its horrible to see someone crush up some pill and snort them just for the simple fact of running away from something. When I started to abuse them I was running away from things that I didn't want to face, I was scared of things going on in my life, I needed an escape. Thats what I believe most people who abuse drugs of any sort are doing running away from things in their life they are too afraid to face. Escaping from reality or the problems is the easiest thing to do, if you act like its gone then eventually you'll believe your problems are gone.

There are millions of people who die each year as a result of being addicted to something.
There is a great show on tv I watch it a lot, Intervention it comes on A&E monday nights I recommend you watch it, it'll change your perspective on those who have an addiction.

For a long time I thought taking pills would change how things in my life would play out, however once I realized it can't do that I became a happier person.
Abusing things can alter you life drastically and not for the better.

Having an addiction doesn't make you a bad person it doesn't make you a dumb person nor does it take away from the person you are, however it does make people do bad things, dumb things and alters peoples opinions of you which is not always good.

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