Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is love?

Its been a long time since i've posted anything.
but i've been so busy with school and things its been hard.

I recently bought a new cd the other day, what is love? by nevershoutnever.
I've fell in love with christofer drew ingle's voice no doubt about that.
he has a song on the album entitled What is love? and its really started to get me thinking what exactly is love?
to me its accepecting all the flaws and negative things that come along with a person, its not judging someone based upon their past, its forgiving the mistakes they have made, its allowing them to be a person, to be themselves, its putting all you have on the line to see them happy, its not giving up when things get hard, its finding who you really are without changing who you are, its one too many things mixed into one crazy complex yet simply spelled word, love.

i can honestly say i've loved someone unconditionally with no grudges with no regrets about anything that happened with him, with accepecting his past and the mistakes he made. i held him up when he thought he was going to fall. he helped me with so many things and i can never hate him. i wish things could have been different but everything does happen for a reason.

i doubt i'll ever find someone who can fully understand me as a person. i have one too many problems in my head.
however, i am a totally understanding person when it comes to certian people and things.

i hate being judged therefore i try not to judge.
i am a better person i have learned to be a better person

love has a funny way of changing us only because we want to change not because the one we love wants us to change we should never change because of someone else. never period.
people should love us for who we are not who they want us to be.
ive learned to accept the things i cannot change we all need to realize this, that we cant change things that are not supposed to be changed. one too many people think we can change how person thinks or acts we cant allow this to continue and we will be a better person.
if people want to change they will otherwise you cant do shit about it!

yet i do think we can change the world, let the world see that we can be peaceful and not have to turn to war to solve other countires problems we can't change that they can.
i do support our troops dont take that the wrong way.

What is love?
tell me what you think love is.

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